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Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-04-29  |  96KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (256 colors)
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OCR: Power Calculations For given hy pothesis test, one might want to know by how much a test failed significant. The "how much' can be in the context of the p-value the parameter values, the sample size. Furthermore one might want know how likely one detect significance for given situation, that C to calculate the power of test If you are using theFit platform for oneway Anova, select tMeans Anova/t-test option Use thPower Details dn-dod command next to the Oneway Anova eport name and then complete the dialog The Fit Model Platform gives power calculations as follow you want the power details for all parameter estimates, use tRower Details command in the check border menu This gives the LSV, LSN and pow for each parameter you want the details for an F test for a certain effect, find tRower Det ...